Sunday 12 February 2017

In da club....and almost out of the club

It's been a very busy 3 weeks, I've put my stuff in storage, I'm now living with Mum while my sister takes a break (she's living with my other Tauranga sister) and I'm going thru the process of getting my house rented. This is all so I can save some money and get travelling later in the year, the polar bears are getting closer!

Herceptin on Thursday didn't have the best start, the usual fine veins problem cropped up again and this time a new RN took one look and told me she was chickening out and getting someone more experienced. Kirstie was the more experienced RN called in and she took one look and got me to soak my hand in the bucket of hot water again, and then she got it first go. Phew, last 3 times it's been two goes each time so very pleased she could get a vein. Thank goodness I only have TWO more rounds, and it's only 39 days to go before my last session. 

I was talking to Kirstie waiting for my veins to behave, sitting in the chair next to the radio, and we got talking about songs and associating them with events in your life, and I told her that I'll always remember the first song I heard in the car when I was driving off after my diagnosis, which was "In da club". It actually made me laugh because I thought, yeah you're in the cancer club now.

I'll probably never meet you 50 cent, and you'll probably never read this but
 thank you anyway for making me laugh at a very stressful time. I've always loved your song and because I'm slightly weird I don't feel like I can't listen to your song any more, it has the opposite effect because I'm sooooooo almost out of the cancer club and back in da real club man!

And because I know you're all dying to know, I've almost achieved my aim of sitting in every chair in the treatment zone. Some I've been in more than a few times because somebody else has been in the chair I was eyeing up, I wonder if I have the nerve to ask someone to move because I have to sit in their chair to achieve my stupid goal???

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